Stocks held in a Fidelity brokerage account
Indicate online which stocks to contribute
Generally transferred and processed same day if instructions are received at least 15 minutes prior to market close
Non-Fidelity mutual funds held in a Fidelity brokerage account
Indicate online which mutual funds to contribute
Stocks held at a financial institution other than Fidelity
Mutual funds held at a financial institution other than Fidelity
Electronic Funds Transfer
Set up Electronic Funds Transfer online by providing your bank account information during the contribution process
Wire instructions:
Wire to: JPMorgan Chase Bank
ABA: 021000021
For Credit to: NFS 066196-221
FBO: Fidelity Charitable Z97000442
Memo: CGF#_______
*The wire will be rejected if necessary account numbers are not provided, which may incur a fee from your bank.
Mail or fax a completed Contribution Form to Fidelity Charitable
Send one copy to your financial institution and one copy to Fidelity Charitable.
Call Fidelity Charitable at
Non-publicly traded assets including private company stock, hedge fund interests, private equity, etc.
Call Fidelity Charitable at
Varies based on asset