Reduce paperwork. Expedite processing.
Go online to easily open a Giving Account, initiate a contribution, recommend a grant and view transaction history.
For Donors
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For Advisors
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Review important policies, procedures and benefits associated with establishing and maintaining a donor-advised fund at Fidelity Charitable.
Open a Giving Account
Set up a Giving Account
or download Donor Application (PDF)
Letter of Authorization
Fidelity Brokerage Customers complete this to make contributions from your non-retirement Fidelity brokerage account.
Open a Corporate Giving Account
For companies looking to use the Giving Account to facilitate corporate philanthropy.
Open an Organizational Giving Account
For all other organizations looking to open a Giving Account under an entity such as a trust.
Make a contribution
Contribution Form
or download Contribution Form (PDF)
Contribute physical stock or bond certificates
Contribute restricted or control person stock
Contribute non-publicly traded assets
Instructions for contributions initiated by a Broker-Dealer
Recommend a grant
Grant Recommendation
Make changes or grant access to my Giving Account
Giving Account Access Form
Used to authorize an individual, such as your financial advisor or another interested party, to obtain information or perform transactions on your behalf.
Giving Account Change Form
Allows you to make changes to the personal information associated with the Giving Account, add additional Account Holders, and add or change successor elections.
Create a legacy with the Endowed Giving Program
Use this form to create an ongoing giving plan to begin after your lifetime.
I am a(n)
Learn more about the Charitable Investment Advisor Program
In addition to the forms listed, we require the following:
Investment Advisor Agreement (PDF)
This form asserts the advisor agrees to comply with the Charitable Investment Advisor Program Investment Policies and Guidelines (PDF)
It must be signed by someone who is authorized to act on behalf of the entire firm, such as an officer or principal. Please contact us to learn whether your firm already has an Agreement on file.
Alternative Investments Letter of Understanding
This form requires the primary donor to acknowledge and agree to information specific to holding alternative investments within the Charitable Investment Advisor Program. This form only needs to be signed once by the donor, but must precede or accompany the initial Alternative Investment Transaction Request Form provided by the advisor.
Alternative Investment Transaction Request Form (PDF)
This form is required if the Advisor would like to recommend an investment in or redemption from an alternative investment managed as part of the Charitable Investment Advisor Program.
The form must include the specific details of the transaction as a request of Fidelity Charitable.
This form initiates enrollment in the Charitable Investment Advisor Program and setup of a Giving Account. It must be signed by the donor and advisor.
This form allows a donor to appoint the Advisor Firm managing the investments in a donor's Giving Account as an agent to recommend grants to charitable organizations on the donor's behalf.
This form is required if the donor is making additional contributions to Fidelity Charitable. It must be signed by the donor.
If looking to enroll assets currently held in an existing Giving Account, this form is not needed.
I want to
Make a contribution
Pooled Income Fund Additional Gift Agreement Form (PDF)
Complete the attached Letter of Instruction to contribute mutual funds and securities held at firms other than Fidelity.
Print, complete and sign the form and fax or mail it.
Set up direct deposit
Pooled Income Fund Income Beneficiary Direct Deposit and Change Form (PDF)
This form allows the income beneficiary to have quarterly payments deposited directly into their bank account, or to update mailing addresses.
Download and print the form. Complete and sign it and fax or mail it.
Make changes to my account
Pooled Income Fund Change Form (PDF)
This form allows you to make changes to the personal information associated with the Pooled Income Fund, including changing beneficiaries.
Download and print the form. Complete and sign it and fax or mail it.
Open a Giving Account
Set up a Giving Account
or download Donor Application (PDF)
Letter of Authorization
Fidelity Brokerage Customers complete this to make contributions from your non-retirement Fidelity brokerage account.
Open a Corporate Giving Account
For companies looking to use the Giving Account to facilitate corporate philanthropy.
Open an Organizational Giving Account
For all other organizations looking to open a Giving Account under an entity such as a trust.
Make a contribution
Contribution Form
or download Contribution Form (PDF)
Contribute physical stock or bond certificates
Contribute restricted or control person stock
Contribute non-publicly traded assets
Instructions for contributions initiated by a Broker-Dealer
Recommend a grant
Grant Recommendation
Make changes or grant access to my Giving Account
Giving Account Access Form
Used to authorize an individual, such as your financial advisor or another interested party, to obtain information or perform transactions on your behalf.
Giving Account Change Form
Allows you to make changes to the personal information associated with the Giving Account, add additional Account Holders, and add or change successor elections.
Create a legacy with the Endowed Giving Program
Use this form to create an ongoing giving plan to begin after your lifetime.
I am a(n)
Learn more about the Charitable Investment Advisor Program
In addition to the forms listed, we require the following:
Investment Advisor Agreement (PDF)
This form asserts the advisor agrees to comply with the Charitable Investment Advisor Program Investment Policies and Guidelines (PDF)
It must be signed by someone who is authorized to act on behalf of the entire firm, such as an officer or principal. Please contact us to learn whether your firm already has an Agreement on file.
Alternative Investments Letter of Understanding
This form requires the primary donor to acknowledge and agree to information specific to holding alternative investments within the Charitable Investment Advisor Program. This form only needs to be signed once by the donor, but must precede or accompany the initial Alternative Investment Transaction Request Form provided by the advisor.
Alternative Investment Transaction Request Form (PDF)
This form is required if the Advisor would like to recommend an investment in or redemption from an alternative investment managed as part of the Charitable Investment Advisor Program.
The form must include the specific details of the transaction as a request of Fidelity Charitable.
This form initiates enrollment in the Charitable Investment Advisor Program and setup of a Giving Account. It must be signed by the donor and advisor.
This form allows a donor to appoint the Advisor Firm managing the investments in a donor's Giving Account as an agent to recommend grants to charitable organizations on the donor's behalf.
This form is required if the donor is making additional contributions to Fidelity Charitable. It must be signed by the donor.
If looking to enroll assets currently held in an existing Giving Account, this form is not needed.
I want to
Make a contribution
Pooled Income Fund Additional Gift Agreement Form (PDF)
Complete the attached Letter of Instruction to contribute mutual funds and securities held at firms other than Fidelity.
Print, complete and sign the form and fax or mail it.
Set up direct deposit
Pooled Income Fund Income Beneficiary Direct Deposit and Change Form (PDF)
This form allows the income beneficiary to have quarterly payments deposited directly into their bank account, or to update mailing addresses.
Download and print the form. Complete and sign it and fax or mail it.
Make changes to my account
Pooled Income Fund Change Form (PDF)
This form allows you to make changes to the personal information associated with the Pooled Income Fund, including changing beneficiaries.
Download and print the form. Complete and sign it and fax or mail it.
Ready to get started?
Opening a Giving Account is fast and easy, and there is no minimum initial contribution.
Or call us at 800-262-6039