Charities you can support

Once you set up your Giving Account, you can start supporting charities right away.

Recommend grants to IRS-qualified public charities

The Giving Account lets you support most qualified 501(c)(3) public charities, with a few exceptions, with a minimum grant amount of just $50. Learn more about our grant recommendation process and international giving.

How do I recommend a grant?

Use multiple channels (online, phone, mobile app) to access your Giving Account.

Provide your grant recommendation details, such as the charity you wish to support and the grant amount.

Confirm how you would like your grant recommendation to be funded.

Submit your grant recommendation to Fidelity Charitable.

Fidelity Charitable will send approved funds via check or EFT.

First, find out if it's a 501(c)(3) public charity by checking the charity's website, GuideStar or by calling them directly to ask before you submit your grant recommendation. Please note that all grant recommendations must comply with Fidelity Charitable's Giving Account Guide. Public charity status alone does not guarantee that a grant recommendation will be approved.

With a team of experts following a due diligence process for each grant recommendation, Fidelity Charitable is focused on providing you peace of mind.

501(c)(3) refers to the tax-exempt status of a nonprofit organization as qualified under IRS rules. Because 501(c)(3) organizations are charitable in nature, they are allowed to receive tax-deductible donations from donors like you.

There are different kinds of 501(c)(3) organizations, public charities and private foundations. Fidelity Charitable can generally only make grants to public charities, which includes most 501(c)(3)s — anything from your alma mater to your local arts council. Fidelity Charitable cannot support certain supporting organizations or most private foundations.

Supporting international giving

You have two options for using your Giving Account to support causes outside the U.S. You can recommend a grant to a U.S.-based charity that works overseas, or you can recommend a grant to a U.S.-based intermediary charity that has a direct relationship (or can establish a direct relationship) with non-U.S. based organizations, and will, in turn, make a grant to that organization for an additional fee.

If you are a member of the Private Donor Group, you may have additional options. Please contact your Philanthropic Strategist to discuss.

Grant recommendations are ultimately up to the donor’s preference, subject to the Fidelity Charitable grant review process. Compare ways to give.

Donors may recommend grants to any intermediary charity, subject to the Fidelity Charitable grant review process. Fidelity Charitable donors regularly engage with the following intermediary charities:

You will need to determine if that foreign charity has partnered with a U.S.-based intermediary charity. The intermediary charities list their partners on their respective websites.

If you have determined that the foreign charity has partnered with an intermediary charity, you can recommend a grant to that intermediary charity and use the custom designation to specify the foreign charity you wish to support.

For example, if you would like to support Develop Africa, Inc. and intermediary charity GlobalGiving is a partner, you can recommend a grant to GlobalGiving and specify that you would like funds to be used for Develop Africa, Inc.

If you have determined that the foreign charity does not have a partnership with an intermediary charity, you may still choose to reach out to an intermediary charity to see if they can potentially establish a partnership with the foreign charity for an additional fee. While donors may choose to work with an intermediary charity, Fidelity Charitable does not actively facilitate this relationship or the due diligence process.