Charitable Legacy Pool Management

About the Charitable Legacy Pool

The Charitable Legacy Pool is managed by Strategic Advisers, Inc., a division of Fidelity Investments® and a registered investment adviser providing investment management services through Fidelity's retail, institutional, and intermediary distribution channels. The portfolio management team:

  • Follows the basic tenets of an appropriate long-term risk/return profile.

  • Allocates the Pool in a 60% equity, 40% fixed income strategic asset allocation, with the goal of taking advantage of upside market action, while managing downside risk.

  • May introduce alternatives and extended asset classes as they seek to respond to changing market conditions.

Emphasis on consistency

Their dedicated global asset allocation and investment strategy research team researches, monitors, and chooses from among thousands of asset classes, investments, and investment management styles. Analysts work to understand how one manager may be more likely to contribute to the Charitable Legacy Pool's performance than another, while adhering to the characteristics that define their particular investment process and style over time. Each of the fund managers that are selected to manage a portion of the Pool must perform in the way that Strategic Advisers, Inc. expects them to. Unlike research services that rely heavily on fund managers' past performance to gauge how they will perform in the future, Strategic Advisers, Inc. researchers place great emphasis on how consistently managers adhere to their stated process and characteristics over time.

Highest fiduciary standards

Strategic Advisers, Inc. seeks management firms with the highest fiduciary standards and with the proper resources and structure necessary to let the investment professionals focus their efforts on managing their portfolios. The management team looks for consistent processes by which the fund managers operate and at how they make their investment decisions. Strategic Advisers, Inc. also looks at how closely their interests and those of their firms are aligned with the interests of their clients.

Shared strategic insights

The research analysts and portfolio managers collaborate to construct investment portfolios. They share their insights into how current market conditions affect various investment managers, asset classes, and investment styles. In order to construct appropriately diversified portfolios, they seek to identify and select managers whose stated strategy aligns with how they manage their portfolios.