In the Fidelity Charitable Giving Report, we look back on 2021 to understand how more than a quarter million donors continued to support their neighbors through every bout of uncertainty in another year that tested our resilience.


In 2021, Fidelity Charitable made

$ 5,236,358,731

in donor-recommended grants, a 41% increase from pre-pandemic levels and 13% increase from 2020


Individual donors in the Fidelity Charitable community, who have embraced smarter philanthropy and use a Giving Account to maximize their charitable impact.


Grant recommendations that were designated “where needed most,” giving nonprofits the flexibility to apply funds to their most urgent, mission-critical priorities.


Unique charities that received donor-recommended grants—with donors supporting a wide range of organizations large and small, in every state and around the world.

Donors tap into nontraditional sources to fund their philanthropy

Contributions of non-publicly traded assets exceed $10 billion since inception

$391 Million in 2012 and $2 Billion in 2021

Donating non-cash assets such as restricted stock or private equity may allow donors to eliminate capital gains taxes on the appreciation of the assets—with the tax savings becoming a direct source of new funding for charity. Fidelity Charitable helps convert these assets into liquid cash available for granting, including $2 billion in 2021.

Nearly twelvefold increase in cryptocurrency donations

Twelve fold increase in cryptocurrency

After a year of rapid appreciation, donor contributions of digital assets like Bitcoin soared nearly twelvefold over the previous year, totaling more than $330 million in total contributions in 2021. Giving the right asset at the right time can help maximize a donor’s philanthropic impact.

Donor-advised funds act as a “ready reserve” for responsive philanthropy

In addition to supporting their long-time favorite charities, donors met 2021’s unique challenges with compassion and generosity.

Young boy holding paper sign that says " Please stop Asian hate"

The ripple effects of COVID-19 continued to influence donors. In addition to continued medical and economic aid, donors supported organizations advocating for equity for Asian Americans amid a rise in anti-Asian sentiment.

Couple looking at burned down home

Emergency situations both domestic and international inspired donor support, including the refugee crisis in Afghanistan, earthquake in Haiti, and natural disasters across the United States.

Read more about our record-breaking year and how our donors are using philanthropy to make an impact.

Additional insights

What is a donor-advised fund?

A donor-advised fund is a simple, flexible and tax-efficient way to give to your favorite charities while potentially growing your donations over time.

Donor stories

These articles and videos highlight how Fidelity Charitable donors use a Giving Account to make more of a difference.

Boost your giving IQ

Wondering how to make your giving more satisfying and effective? Check out our four simple steps to smarter charitable giving.