Many donors have become increasingly interested in impact investing, which exemplifies the idea that one can “do well while doing good” with one’s investments.

In other words, one can purposefully make investments that help achieve certain social and environmental benefits and also generate financial returns. Impact investing refers to everything from investing in organizations with an explicit social mission aligned with one’s values to avoiding investing in companies with practices that one believes have a negative social or environmental impact.

As a member of the Private Donor Group, you have several options for impact investments for your Giving Account. You may recommend:

  • A grant to an impact investing nonprofit
  • A recoverable grant to a nonprofit (a recoverable grant may be returned to Fidelity Charitable and reallocated to a donor's Giving Account)
  • Investments in socially responsible mutual funds or ETFs*
  • Investments in socially responsible fixed-income products, such as community and green bonds*
  • Investments in impact-oriented private equity or venture capital funds*

*Account must be a participant in the Charitable Advisor Investment Program (CIAP) or the Charitable DonorFlex Program (DonorFlex). For CIAP accounts, investments made at discretion of CIAP advisor. For both CIAP and DonorFlex, investments are subject to review and approval by Fidelity Charitable.

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Sustainable and impact investing pools

If you are interested in a socially responsible investment approach, you may recommend that assets in your Giving Account be allocated to our sustainable and impact investing pools. These pools employ a strategy that considers environmental, social and corporate governance to help achieve long-term objectives of financial return and positive societal impact.

Impact investing resources

Amplifying your Philanthropy through Impact Investing

Identify possible ways to use investing to increase your impact on the people, places and issues you care about.

Introduction to Impact Investing

Learn what impact investing is and how you can recommend impact investments from your Giving Account.

Multiplying Support for Nonprofits by Recommending Recoverable Grants

Learn how a recoverable grant is made to a nonprofit where the grant funds may be returned to Fidelity Charitable for additional grant recommendations.

The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment

A mission to rapidly shift investment practices toward sustainability, focusing on long-term investment and the generation of positive social and environmental impacts.

More about the Private Donor Group

Family engagement

As a member of the Private Donor Group, you have access to many resources to engage your family in your giving.

Recommended resources

The Private Donor Group leverages in-house and external experts to produce leading-edge papers, tools, and research to help donors have more impact with their philanthropy.